Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Men at Work

Early one morning I saw this guy and his ground team preparing to do some tree trimming.  He works for the power company and when the trees get too crowded around the power lines, it's time to trim them back a little.  He spotted me with my camera right away so he gave me a big smile and a wave.

You can see from this shot that he was pretty far up there when I zoomed in on him.

And, here he is in the thick of the tree working away.  I'm quite sure I couldn't do this job.  My fear of heights would kick in and I wouldn't be able to last 10 minutes up there.


  1. Looks like he enjoys his job!

  2. I'm with you; don't like heights, either! Love that last photo; looks like he's disappearing into the vortex!

  3. You got a nice smile and a wave from him. :)

  4. It looks like he has a big job ahead of him there, Sharon!

  5. Nice to show them too that we care...

  6. It would be nice to take some pictures from up there!

  7. I'd never be able to do work like that either. But it's nice to see that the people who do are friendly!

  8. Yes, it takes a special man to do that work.

  9. Love that first shot where he is waving to you! I know I couldn't do a job like that.

  10. He's WAY up there. I would never . . .

  11. Oh me too Sharon, no way could I do that! Thank heavens for people who don't have phobias :)
