Monday, August 31, 2015

Spectacular Sky

Saturday night I was going to walk to a nearby restaurant where I was meeting my friend David for dinner.  I left my place without my camera, something I rarely do.  But, I only got a few feet down the walkway when I saw this fantastic cloud in the skies to the north.  I went back and got my camera and snapped this shot looking over the other buildings in my complex.

When I got to my favorite viewpoint looking due east at Camelback Mountain, I saw more big bright clouds to the east.  So, I snapped a couple of photos here.

Then I got down to street level and turned south and saw this gorgeous cloud lighting up the sky.  I can even see some rain falling in the distance to the south.

All the way down the street until I got to the restaurant I was snapping photos of this spectacular sky. By the time I walked home, it was dark but all those clouds were filled with electricity and they were lighting my way all the way home.  Just as I got to my door, the wind started howling and I could feel some sprinkles of rain.  I don't think it rained much at my house but the light show was wonderful.


  1. What an amazing sight!

  2. Never leave home without a camera. Nice cloud photos.

  3. Fantastic skies. I love those clouds. Sorry you didn't get any rain though.

  4. A true photographer, going back to get the camera. Your photos of this spectacular cloud formation are wonderful. Good job!!

  5. There's a lot of action going on in them thar clouds Sharon :) You left home without your camera???? Oh you know what, I do that sometimes too, deliberately, sometimes it's just nice not to have the pressure of even looking :)

  6. I like the one you captured with the mountains in the distance.

  7. You really captured a spectacular sky. I agree with Birdman about the second shot!

  8. Spectacular pics, Sharon! I always have a camera stashed in my purse!

  9. These are just yummy. Serendipity can't be beat sometimes. Love the play of light and dark in these shots!

  10. Amazing! How do you actually continue on your way and don't just sit there and stare? :-)

  11. We have been having mesmerizing cloud formations here too.
    It's nice that you have place you can walk. Now I'm wondering where you went.

  12. Beautiful skies! I'm glad you went back for the camera and that you were paying attention. :)

  13. We've had similar clouds all around us for several days but they've only spent a few drops of rain on us.

  14. Gorgeous shots Sharon! I'm so glad you went back for your camera.

  15. Wow! These clouds are wonderful . . . Mayfield Parrish clouds. I seldom leave my camera behind, but going to a restaurant is one of the times when I do. That is when my iPhone comes in handy. But you did the right thing!

  16. What a marvellous set of clouds. Looks so beautiful. At least you could go back and get your camera.

  17. I heard about the rains there and the new highway shooter.
