Sunday, August 30, 2015

Earl Place & East Alvarado

Another historic neighborhood that was new to me is Earl Place.  It was an area I had not explored before.  The homes here were all small bungalow style houses but many of them were lovingly maintained or updated.  I did see a few that needed some work but, for the most part the area seems to be doing well.  The one above has that Spanish look with some very nice landscaping.

This one is a more classic look with some nice awnings to enhance those front windows.  That big tree off the side also adds some great framing from the street.

This one appears to be almost exactly like the one above only different color and different trim.  It makes me think that the same builder created both houses.

The East Alvarado neighborhood is a small area comprised of just two streets.  The houses here are a little bit larger than the Earl Place neighborhood and they are in a variety of styles.  This one has that southwestern Spanish look.

This one is a little more contemporary.  The red awnings are a nice touch on this one.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Take a look at a very shiny sculpture in London.


  1. They are all very well kept and pristine looking!

  2. I would happily move into any one of them altho the top casa would be my first choice.

  3. My favourite is the first one! Loks like a lovely neighbourhood!

  4. OK, I would leave the first one to ciel, but I will take the second!

  5. I'd be happy with any of those homes, Sharon!

  6. Landscaping design can even bring boring home to life.

  7. Lovely homes Sharon, the first is my fav too, bungalows are my preferred style.

  8. A nice variety of beautiful homes. I love the Spanish style in all its variations. We lived in a Spanish-style home in Los Angeles in the late 40s. Back then, it probably cost about $10K? I looked it up recently: It's value is now just under $900K! Insanity prevails! :)

  9. They are all nice, but I think the one in the first picture is my favorite. I love the color and the door!

  10. Small but charming and beautifully maintained. But how can two blocks be a neighborhood?

  11. The Earl Place houses also seem to be roughly the same size. Keeping sizes proportionate to neighbors, even with different architecture, is something that makes a neighborhood work.

  12. The first one appears "the warmest" for my taste of course.

  13. The first one particularly appeals to me.

  14. Love the first one but that whole neighborhood has wonderful homes.
