Friday, July 10, 2015

Lots of Roses

There is a house very near me that has a long row of rose bushes that line the wall around their property.  A while ago I saw this beautiful cluster of blooms and couldn't resist a photo.  If I'd had some clippers with me, I might have taken them home with me.  :-)


  1. They look picture perfect!

  2. Am always drawn to flowers of vivid colors.

  3. Gorgeous Sharon, roses are so summer.. I've just pruned mine for winter!

  4. 'Tis indeed gorgeous! Glad you didn't clip it, though. I'd have to have to fly to Phoenix to bail you out on a clipping charge!

  5. Very pretty. Roses always remind me of the Stevenson's garden. Grandma and Grandpa were always so proud to show us the rose garden.

  6. Hmmmmmm!!! Do they smell hmmmmmm too?

  7. You picked the right background. I don't envision roses in the desert. I guess there is still enough water to nurture them.

  8. There's a house down from me that has an equally beautiful display of roses. In several colors. I'll have to photograph it.

  9. It's so strange to think that roses grow in both Arizona and England! Seems like you couldn't come up with two more diverse climates!
