Sunday, May 10, 2015

Two Great Dogs

I'd like you to meet Barolo and.....


Last week I did some dog-sitting for a good friend's two dogs while he was out of town.  Barolo and Thomas are two great dogs who were both rescued from a shelter and have found a wonderful home with my friend James.  Barolo has the energy of a puppy.  Always running and playing and Thomas is very content to have his tummy rubbed.  They are truly great companions.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I've continued the tour of the La Posada Hotel featuring the art of two of it's owners.  


  1. They look like two very playful... and happy dogs!

  2. I could even learn to like dogs after your post today. Thomas has a LOOK.

  3. I am sure this bring a lot of live in the house.


  4. Now that must have been a fun few days, Sharon!

  5. Oh I'd have played with them! I wonder why one has a wine name and not the other though! :-)

  6. Definitely a good looking pair!

  7. They look like great dogs. My wonderful English springer spaniel died several years ago at 17 and given how much I move around, it seemed wrong to get another. But, I do think someone should open a dog rental business so I can get a dog for a week or two every now and then.

  8. I love it when people choose rescue animals instead of pet shops, these two lovelies were super lucky that your friend James found them Sharon, they look very happy.

  9. I would love my heart to these two. Rescue dogs are the best!
