Thursday, March 12, 2015

Billboard Discovery

Never before has a billboard stopped me in my tracks but, that is exactly what happened yesterday.  I was walking along when I looked up and saw this enormous billboard with that distinctive face looking down at me.  I stopped and stared!  You might be wondering why this advertisement would have such an impact on me.   You see, last Friday I went to the zoo and I took lots and lots of photos and when I downloaded them the photo I loved the most was....well....this one!!   I literally thought someone had stolen my photo!  See for yourself, my photo is below.

Comparing the two photos I now see subtle differences but, they are pretty darn close, wouldn't you say?

I even cropped my photo a bit so I could do and exact compare.  Still pretty close!

The funny thing is, this particular Mandril was pretty far away from me and was constantly moving so when I took the photo using the telephoto lens in the bright sunlight, I really didn't know until I downloaded the photos if it was going to be worthwhile.  And, I only got this one shot of him.  The second I snapped the shutter this guy got up and walked inside his enclosure.


  1. Identical twins, if they aren't the same shot!

  2. I guess he likes to put on his good "face" for all the serious photographers. ;-)
    Nice shot in both cases.

  3. That's astonishing. And a fabulous picture of yours. Question - is it the same creature?!

  4. Mike....since it was an ad for the Phoenix Zoo, I'm assuming that it is the same animal. I should contact the zoo and see if I can find out for sure.

  5. Excellent Sharon. It is the proof that the photographer knew which picture to take so that it could raise the interest of the viewers and you did too.

  6. How DID you do this, Good show. Even the sunlight is quite similar. Wow!

  7. The pics are very very similar. Could be the same subject and also the same photographer...

  8. You didn't notice anyone there at the same time as you taking photos did you Sharon.. I have heard of that happening :)You got a fab speedy shot there.

  9. What a great face! I bet that billboard did make you stop. But it isn't your picture because it takes longer than that to make one of those big ads and get it put up. His head is just a tad more tilted in the billboard picture.
    You see I've gotten pretty good at comparing my pictures with some that I find on line. :)

  10. Wow, they are amazingly similar. I like his beady little eyes. :)

  11. What a coincidence! I've never been successful at photographing the mandrils at the Phoenix Zoo.

  12. Such fun, Sharon! Your camera has been hacked! ;-)

  13. Wonderful coincidence which proves that your photos are worthy of sale and publication.

  14. Very close indeed. I read recently that you can copy a published image and put it in the Google Images search bar and it will show identical or similar images. I haven't tried that yet.

  15. My recollection is that these things are not fun, that they are actually rather nasty. I'd google it if I had the energy.
