Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Observations from a basketball game

I went to the Phoenix Suns' game last night with my friend Janet.  It was a sold out crowd most likely because of this guy, LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers.  He does have a huge following even here in the west.

 The usual suspects were in attendance and I noticed that Mr. Orange was sporting a new hair-do.

I might have been slightly underdressed because I didn't wear my sequined slacks. Oh, wait a second, I don't own any sequined slacks.  Phew...I guess I was okay after all.

And even though we had a 20 point lead at one time, it was a nail biter at the end.  The Phoenix Suns pulled it out with a win over the Cavaliers 107 to 100.

It made for a very exciting game.


  1. Great shots. sometimes the crowd provide more entertainment than the game!

  2. LOL -- I love the sequined slacks. They'd only be visible on someone in a courtside seat, which I guess she knew! (She looks familiar. Should I know her?)

  3. I'm not sure who is funnier - the fans or the players or that guy that looks like an upright brush. Glad you had fun!

  4. Some fans are so fun!
    Look at that one on the second photo, for example...

  5. Ya, even the King is not the answer in Cleveland it seems. They ain't jelling yet. Things will change. I'd love to see him play someday.

  6. Fab shots - that first one is awesome! I'm not so into sports but a good basketball game is pretty entertaining. I don't have any sequined slacks either but now I kinda really want some...

  7. Glad you had fun. I wonder what that guy uses to make himself orange. And how hard is it to get off. And why would he want to look like that. (Silly question, for attention of course)

  8. Mr. James certainly does like his tattoos!

  9. Like the first shot with everyone in the background photographing Labron.

  10. Lots of good photo opportunities there, Sharon!

  11. Excellent shots though I am *very* disappointed that you don't have orange hair and sequined trousers...

  12. How fun! You got some nice shots. I wonder how long it takes Mr. Orange to get ready for a game.

  13. Love the things you see at a Suns game.

  14. Super shots Sharon, basketball is the one ball game that I enjoy, as you say nail biting :) you know you're going to have to get a pair of shiny trews before the next game :)

  15. I'll bet you had on cuter shoes than the sequined-slacks lady!

  16. All those cameras. And they're not even the media!

  17. Lebron is an amazing talent. The same can't be said for the rest of the Cavs.

  18. Yup, fun to watch LeBron and fun to watch Mr. Orange, too. What possesses him, I wonder?
