Thursday, January 29, 2015

City Garden

In the very heart of downtown Phoenix, right next door to City Council Chambers and surrounded by high-rise buildings sits a little garden with very tall sunflowers and a few herbs.

In additions there are colorful flowers surrounding the garden....

.....and a little patch dedicated to roses.  That is truly an urban garden.  I do wonder if the city attends to it for if it's some kind cooperative.  There are no signs to give it away only beautiful flowers and plants to admire.


  1. The sound of the word "garden" is music to my ears! Haven't seen blossoms and blooms like these in too many months.

  2. A little touch of humanity at the base of a highrise!

  3. I love an urban garden - we have a great community garden with all sorts of herbs and veges and stuff right in the middle of our cultural centre and its great! That does look like a huge sunflower

  4. Thank heavens for these green spaces in the city hey Sharon. Love your perspective in the first shot.. why did I think 'day of the trifids' :)

  5. I like that 1st pic, beautiful contrast between nature and human constructions.

  6. I like that picture with the building in the background very much. It's nice to find an unexpected garden in the big city.

  7. I love a nice city garden. Cosmos and sunflowers are always nice to brighten the day!

  8. Such a thing is great to have in center city...not only are the flowers and plants beautiful but the garden brings some life to all the concrete!

  9. A wonderful thing for the city centre, Sharon! Love to see that Cosmos.

  10. We need more poetic spaces like this one in our cities! The sunflower is a welcome sight, it's so windy and rainy here!

  11. Those roses are lovely, but I just love the picture of the sunflower with the building behind it. It must be so tall!

  12. I heard Mark Curtis tonight bemoaning the fact that of all the 52 weeks of the year this one had to get rain!

  13. A real secret garden!

  14. The sunflower looks great against its unexpected background of a government office building.

  15. That is a heavy, impressive sunflower!
