Sunday, November 23, 2014

Red-Tailed Hawk

I was at the Phoenician Resort Friday afternoon and when we were about to leave we saw three beautifully costumed people each with an exotic bird on their arm standing on the patio of the resort.  So, of course we investigated.  It turned out to be a bit of special entertainment for resort guests.  The bird above was a red-tailed hawk who was very vocal.  The handler said he was just anxious to be fed.  In the photo above, he had his eye on the sushi bar that was at the far end of the patio.

The second photos was such a great shot of the handsome handler so I had to post this one too.  Tomorrow I'll show you the other two bird handlers.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's a bit of a love story this time.


  1. Beautiful looking bird, and full of character too... hope he got fed soon!

  2. I hope he got fed quickly. You don't want a hungry hawk on your arms. :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. If that hawk was sitting on my hand and wanted to be fed, I'd feed it asap! That 2nd shot is fantastic - you got the light just right and the sunset in the background is perfect!

  4. Both very handsome 'creatures' Sharon :)

  5. What a fun surprise and you of course had your trusty camera at the ready!

  6. Lucky, lucky you. That's something I've always wanted to do! Super shots!

  7. I'm loving the image of the hawk on & at the sushi bar, Sharon! ;-)

  8. What a beautiful hawk. I remember seeing one at a museum here, and the noise he was making was quite extraordinary!

  9. Great pics and both very interesting characters. Still on my travels hence why you haven't heard from me so often.

  10. As soon as I saw this I thought of the song from the Marx Brothers Animal Crackers:

    Hooray for Captain Spaulding, The African explorer.

    Did someone call me Shnorrer?

    We went hawking once in Ireland. It was a blast.

  11. Sharon, if this man were holding a can of Spam, you would still have taken half a dozen photos of him. Excuses!

  12. Beautiful bird. I would hate to be a mouse.

  13. Both bird and man are fine specimens!
