Monday, August 18, 2014

All on the same street

When I was driving around the north side of Phoenix last week, I happened on to a street with some lovely homes all in different styles.  These days, it seems sort of unusual to find so many different looking homes all on the same street.  First this low-slung ranch-style house with the beautifully trimmed yard.

Next, this two story brick house with the big tree in the front.

Then I saw this southwestern modern home with the shade trees and that stunning planter in front.

And, finally this ultra-modern white block shaped house.  All very interesting in their own way.


  1. Lots of individual styles, and all quite unique!

  2. There is no shortage variety in Phoenix. The subdivisions being built here are all cookie cutter style.

  3. They are amazing homes. Looks like a very nice neighborhood :).

  4. I love to see a street with many styles, like Andy said these days when they build a new suburb all the houses have to conform and it gives them a bit of a 'Stepford' feel. I'm thinking out of your selection here the third would be my choice, it seems to be more Arizona than the others.

  5. I like the different styles. At least if you came home late one night you would be able to fine the right house.

  6. That planter strikes me as something quite unusual, but that would be a desert environment, out of my everyday experience.

  7. When I was a kid we used to walk around the neighborhood and critique the houses. Everyone always had their favorite. I wonder how I would feel walking through the old neighborhood today.

  8. I've always loved those long ranch style homes but all of your homes have something I like about them, Sharon!

  9. I am kind of mixed about these. In my CT and FL neighborhoods, each house is different, but they adhere to either an explicit (FL) or implicit (CT) code that the sizes and general styles should be compatible.

  10. At least they are not cookie cutter homes.

  11. Great shots! I love the variety. I especially love the ranch house. I've always identified with ranch houses -- I guess it's my era, my Brady Bunch upbringing. :)

  12. A neighborhood is far more interesting if the architecture is varied.
