Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bringing back memories

When I was a kid growing up in Quincy Illinois, there was a row of houses that were built in this sort of salt-block style that I loved.  I thought of them as "art deco" style but, to be honest I'm not sure the style falls into that category.  I guess that growing up around big, two and three story houses made of brick and block, this style looked modern and sleek to me.  So when I saw this house in one of our historic neighborhoods, it brought back those childhood memories.

I found another one similar to the one above also in a historic neighborhood.  Flat roofs pose a particular challenge for homes in the desert.  Long stretches of hot, sunny weather tends to dry out the roofing materials and when the monsoon season comes and we get periodic rains, that water can seep through some of the cracks and cause leaks.  Many people with houses like these get a special roofing material that can stand up to the heat and brutal sun.


  1. What it likes to one in the childhood, it is recorded forever.


  2. The front entrance does look Art Deco.

    The newspaper has had several articles about a lawsuit that has stopped the Arizona Fairgrounds from tearing down an Art Deco building at the fairgrounds. They tried to conceal what they were planning to do by hiding the funds in the budget by calling the project street and sidewalk improvements instead of a building demolition.

  3. The awnings and trees in the second photo make this a truly inviting home.

  4. I would call that Art Deco, too. It's definitely unusual! I would think that flat roofs would do well in the desert -- we always have problems with them in Florida because of all the rain, and they never work in the north with all the snow. So where DO they work?!

  5. Yes, art deco is what I would call it too. I like this type of house also. I posted some like this one from a neighborhood in Clarkdale not too long ago.

  6. A beautiful example of Art Deco! We have a flat roof and it is a pain - you worry about rain in the summer and snow piling up in the winter.

  7. They do look very stylish!

  8. I immediatly thought of Art Deco when I saw the top shot.

  9. It's a style of house you don't see much of here.

  10. There are a very few around here. They stand out against the more typical New England homes. I suspect that they are as much of a pain here as they are in the desert.

  11. Love that first one. Is that in the Encanto District?

  12. I've never liked homes with flat roofs. But that first one does sort of appeal to me. Something about the windows and the porch. :)

  13. Flat roofs don't seem to work in many environments. As you know they frequently cause problems during snowy winters. Surprised to learn about the damage in desert areas, tho.
