Friday, June 20, 2014

Super Sized

Yesterday afternoon I had an appointment on the east side of Phoenix and when I was headed homeward I remembered a house I had seen under construction one or two years ago up on the mountain slopes just north of Camelback Road.  So, I drove up there to see if I could see how it turned out.  It was hard find a place where I could get a photo of the whole, monstrous thing but I finally found a spot on the hill above it but even this view doesn't really give the full impact of it's huge size.  It actually looks more like a resort than a home for a single family.  I simply can't imagine the amount of money it takes to build and then live in something this huge.


  1. Are you sure that isn't a village? :-)

  2. A friend and I were just talking about this very thing: why is a home this size necessary? I would be too embarrassed to own one of this dimension.

  3. I don't want to talk about homeless people... I'm with Ciel, it looks like a small village.

  4. I was also about to say that it looks like a small village :D

  5. The upkeep of the yard and paying for light and heat must cost a ton of money. Maybe members of the family don't get along so everyone has their own space?

    Love your comment on Ocala: Obviously the guy has failed to evolve very far himself!

  6. Well, for me this is a village...

  7. Looks like a suburb - hard to believe it is one house!

  8. Somebody with money to burn, and no sense of class or dignity.

  9. Very impressive! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. I hope that there's a VERY big family living there Sharon.. maybe it IS a resort, is that possible? We have homes here along the coast that are just so huge it's ridiculous!

  11. On top of all that beautiful desert too.

  12. Somehow reminiscent of what I've seen in Morocco - except there it's a whole village nestled into the hillside not just one house. What on earth do they do in there?

  13. And the family if family there is lives probably only part of the year in it... :-)

  14. While I agree that such displays of wealth are hard to understand, I DO think rich people often seek more space because they tend to do things like entertain large groups, hold philanthropic and corporate events, etc. I try to remind myself to cut them some slack! I would NEVER want to be responsible for a house that big. I can barely handle a 2-bedroom apartment!

  15. The same with some of the old Victorian mansions that are in this area. I see them and think how cool it would be to live in a house like that. And they when I think of the maintenance involved I decide maybe not.

  16. Monstrous is a good word for it. Tasteless is another.
