Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Creating an abstract photo

About two weeks ago, I was having lunch in a Scottsdale restaurant that I had never been to before.  I was comfortably seated in a tastefully contemporary dining room and while I was waiting for my food I started noticing all the little decorative details around me.  That's when I saw that this shot might create a very interesting abstract photo and I must say I was pleased with the results.

Can you tell from this photo where I found my abstract inspiration?  The restaurant is called simply "Bobby's" and when I saw that it was a Mancuso restaurant, I had to give it a try.  The Mancuso family has been serving outstanding Italian cuisine for many years in the Phoenix area.  This new restaurant also serves as a jazz club with music nightly in the second floor lounge.

The other half of the dining room is decorated with red glass and a wall of photos of musicians all named "Bob".  Very clever.  Oh yes, the food was delicious!

Reminder:  The theme for July 1st is Celebrating Summer!


  1. It's win win win! Great interior shots.

  2. Awesome picture Nr one!
    Was there one at La BOrgata once in a while?

  3. What a great place! Fun and funky. Your "abstract" is perfect and right up my alley. Of course, I all my shots abstract 'cause they're all blurry! :)

  4. What a fabulous place; the family is very innovative and creative. The different forms and shapes in the top phone make it very special.

  5. Should be "in the top PHOTO"

  6. A very noble Restaurant, love your abstract photo, Sharon!

  7. You demonstrate why photography is so much fun. Super abstract and quite a nice restaurant too!

  8. Wow! The top shot is marvellous and so is the whole decor!

  9. Nice one, Sharon. That place looks quite modern. Translated: expensive.

  10. Love that first shot, good eye.

  11. Nice shot! That place looks like fun.

  12. I love that decor. Really stylish. I can see why you'd be inspired, and your photo turned out great!

  13. I'm glad the food was fab too Sharon, that would have been a disappointment if it hadn't in these funky surroundings.. j'adore le abstract :)

  14. I love your abstract photo! Just enough shimmer.

  15. Your 'abstract' shot is fantastic! And I can recognize some of the Bobs on the wall. :-)
