Friday, May 9, 2014


I've seen this window many times because it is on a house close to mine but one day last week, it suddenly caught my eye and enticed me to take a photo of it.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's the blue trim or maybe it is the old fashioned awning.  Whatever it was, it suddenly appealed to me.  I hope it appeals to you too!


  1. I am with Stefan on this shot. The awning looks cool.

  2. Yes, I'm with everyone else here. Now I want the awning!

  3. Shapes, lines and texture maybe

  4. It surely makes for a lovely photo. Great awning.

  5. Shadow and light, textures, forms and shapes, composition and color—you've done it all in this photo!

  6. I like it. The shade is a good idea and attractive too.

  7. Wonderful composition. The awning certainly draws me right in.

  8. It's very appealing, the colours, the light and the shade make for a very appealing image!

  9. Not just a window, but also lovely trees and bushes make it very interesting!

  10. It's funny that Sharon, sometimes we can pass a scene or something everyday and then maybe the light is different or some small thing that makes you look at it with a new view.. I'm with all above the old fashioned awning is a delight!

  11. It's a lovely old awning, Sharon, but your pic with the plants makes it a good image!

  12. Perth expresses my thinking quite well. We can pass a thing a hundred times, and yet one day the light, or the mood, or something grans our attention and it suddenly looks like a good subject for our lens.

  13. Who knows why we take photos of the things we do. Sometimes I look at my own photos and wonder. But it's cool to know that you saw something there, and to think about what it might have been. That's the challenge of appreciating another's photography -- what did they SEE?

    I've always liked that purple plant growing in front of the window. In Florida we call it purple heart. We have one growing at my mom's that's been there for years and years.
