Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Art Opening

On Saturday afternoon I went to an art opening for a good friend Thomas Blee-Carlyle.  He was showing his latest piece called SYNESTHETICs composed of 30 individual canvas panels that all flow together in a number of ways.  I loved it!

The panels can be arranged in an endless amount of groupings giving the piece a new look with every arrangement.

Below is Thomas' description of the piece.
The multipiece SYNESTHETICs, which is a protosymbolic reconfigurable multipiece: is an interactive experiment that's part of a larger study called EPIGENESIS. Comprising 30, 14"x 18" canvases. This brightly colored pieces of  intentionally nonsymbolic shapes. Is designed so shapes optically continually alter their relationships to neighboring shapes like a kinetic puzzle. The viewer becomes aware that they are constantly seeing new shapes and forms as an activity of their own perception, and are also able to physicslly reconfigure the groupings of canvasses. This is to illicit the active creative participation by the viewer conceptually and physically with the work. The term SYNESTHETICs refers to the esthetics of synesthesia, a neurological condition in which senses are seemingly misalligned with how they are experienced, such as sound being perceived as colors and shapes.

Congratulations Thomas, well done!


  1. I love this, too. I've not seen anything like it. The colors are outstanding and I love the way you can recreate the thing to make different shapes.

    Very nice!

  2. That is quite colorful and I can see it in a modern setting to add a splash of interest to a room.

  3. That is different but not unpleasing

  4. This is great. Love the way it can have a different look.

  5. That's a delightful art Rubik's cube!

  6. It reminds me of a puzzle! Love the colours.

  7. This is different. Most artists (to offer an unsubstantiated generalization) would be very upset if we hung their work in a different way than they intended. This artists says, "Go ahead!"

  8. He does amazing work. The colours are quite dynamic.

  9. Wow that is amazing Sharon, just staring at it for a short while there I can see how this concept works. Nice work Thomas!
