Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stary Wars?

I was at the Phoenix Art Museum a last week and I found an interesting display in the the children's gallery room.  The idea was to encourage young people to write a story.  The museum provided some opening lines and several vignettes to inspire the young mind.  The guy pictured above was in one of those vignettes.  The whole scene is below.  Maybe a budding writer entered that room and was inspired to write a science fiction story to rival the Star Wars series.  When he or she sells the movie rights, I hope he makes a sizable contribution to the museum as a thank you.


  1. I bet some great stories are inspired by these installations.

  2. They certainly should provide plenty of inspiration!

  3. Well that bust could inspire not only some science fiction but plain old horror stories! :) Maybe a horror science fiction story?

    As I recall, when I was a kid we didn't need a lot of encouragement to think up some pretty wild scenarios...maybe 'cause we didn't have TV and computers and cell phones?

  4. Reminds me of the Alens from Indipendance day. Nice work though

  5. That head is a very unusual writing prompt, but one that must generate some interesting tales.

  6. This should indeed inspire creativity in young minds. And mature minds.

  7. Your first shot is mind boggling Sharon.. such a complex piece it must have taken so long to complete. Seriously how do artists come up with these ideas I wonder.

  8. This is a great motivator, I bet they got some great stories!

  9. Great idea! i love the nail sculpture.

  10. The sculpture's visually stunning... and a bit spooky.

  11. I'm not a child anymore (though sometimes I wonder...) but let me grab pen and paper! That is very striking!

  12. What a great bust! It looks much like a head in a painting by Salvador Dali in Hartford's art museum.

  13. I always think of Ancient Egypt when I see things like that.

  14. I remember seeing sculptures like that when I visited Africa -- big nail sculptures of animals and people. I wonder if that one is African? Anyway, yes, it should be inspiring!
