Sunday, March 2, 2014

Food event on a rainy day

Yesterday was a big event day in Phoenix with several major events going on in all parts of the valley.  It was also the first day that it has rained since way before Christmas.  We certainly do need the rain so I'm not complaining about it.  I'm just wondering why it had to come on Saturday.   During the week would have been perfectly fine with me.  The event I attended was the annual "Devoured" event at the Phoenix Art Museum.  It is a sort of food fest with many restaurants on hand to pass out samples of special dished they've whipped up for the crowds.  I ran into Sam Pillsbury sampling some of his fabulous wines.  Do you remember when I saw Sam at a special wine dinner a couple of years ago?  You can see that photo here.

It rained most of the time I was there and since this was an outdoor event, I managed to get pretty wet in spite of raincoat and umbrella.  It's really hard to juggle food, wine, and umbrella so I had to give up the umbrella after a while.  The sun did come out for a short period which made it much easier to get around and sample the wares.

 When I left, I stopped inside the museum where they were selling some of the wines we had sampled and I found this trio entertaining the guests who had come in from the rain.

It was fun (and delicious) in spite of the inclement weather.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm experiencing a touch of Egypt but I only traveled a few 100 miles away.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time, despite the wet weather!

  2. The Heard Museum's big annual Indian Fair is this weekend also. Maybe they figure some people would want to go to both the Art Museum and the Heard Museum, but it would be tough to take in both events in the same day.

  3. If it's going to rain, you can bet it will be on a day that you planned on being outside. Looks like you had a good time anyway.
    I enjoyed the refreshing rain and this morning we have thick fog. Very nice.

  4. Your weather sounds a lot like ours Sharon.. no rain forever and then when something outdoors is planned, the skies open, so weird! I often wonder if there's someone up there playing games with us :)Was good to see that you donned your raincoat and had a fab time anyway!

  5. It's Murphy's Law, Sharon! Glad you had a good time anyway.

  6. Sounds like you had quite a juggling act with food,wine and umbrella.

  7. Events are always fun at the museum.

  8. Rain is good; food is good; and wine is excellent. Glad that you were able to enjoy the event, despite getting wet, but it probably was a good feeling, tho!

  9. You were brave to tackle an outdoor activity in the rain. Although thinking back to when I lived in Phoenix, I usually didn't mind going out and getting wet because it was such a rare occurrence!

  10. Nice portrait of Sam, Sharon. He looks like he is getting ready to burst into a laugh.
