Friday, March 7, 2014

Dumpster Diving

For many, many years I've tried to get a decent photo of a cardinal, those ever elusive scarlet beauties.  They tend to be very skittish around people so by the time I'd spot one, off it flew because it spotted me.  On Wednesday afternoon I was enjoying an iced tea at an outdoor table when one flew right by my table.  I grabbed my camera in time to see it land on, of all things, the trash bin.  I snapped the shot just before it actually disappeared into the trash-filled depths.  A minute later it flew out with a piece of bread in it's mouth and flew away and out of sight.  So, my dumpster photo will have to do….for now.


  1. Wow you really lucked out then. I love the look in its face, and of course the intense red color.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. I have the same problem with cardinals that you have. Humming birds are also elusive.

  3. I like the way he's looking around with a kind of guilty look to see if anyone has noticed him :) Excellent reflexes Sharon, what a little beauty.

  4. Your reflexes are great, and what a wonderful photo with full color. They are truly beauties; we have pairs that hang around our bird feeders all year long in Minnesota. Beautiful and hearty!

  5. You have embarked on a photographic challenge.

  6. I'm jealous. You are lucky to see them at all. We never see any here.

  7. I think he is a bit embarrassed to be caught going into the dumpster.

  8. What a beauty, great catch!

  9. If you hadn't said it was a bin, perhaps we wouldn't have noticed! Such a pretty portrait!

  10. Good shooting, Sharon. I love cardinals.

  11. Nice capture Sharon. Colorful little fella.

  12. It's a beautiful capture! I would have posted it too, Sharon.

  13. It's a beautiful capture! I would have posted it too, Sharon.

  14. I never a saw a cardinal in all the years I lived in Arizona. I saw a map just this past week that shows their range generally is not north of the Tucson area and Southern Arizona and Southern New Mexico are the only areas they are in west of Texas! I wish you could have some of ours! We have plenty to spare!
