Monday, March 10, 2014

Ancient Technology

Saturday was Ancient Technology Day at Pueblo Grande Museum.  There were all kinds of demonstrations such as basket weaving, stone tool making, jewelry making and other ancient technologies.  Above is the "chuck wagon" and the gentleman here was demonstrating a baking technique making cinnamon rolls inside dutch oven.  He's just lifted the lid that is filled with hot charcoal to see how they are cooking.

 I loved how he kept is gloves and other things in the back of his boots.

The back of the chuck wagon was filled with all the essentials to whip up a tasty meal on the road.  


  1. Not a single inch is wasted, love it!

  2. I love a good western. Super post.

  3. When this guy is not recreating a chuck wagon, I wonder if he owns an RV. Looks like kind of the same thing.

  4. Neat way of doing things, did you tase the rolls though

  5. Fun. They need to block out that building in the background.

  6. Thanks for this! So fascinating, but makes me not wish for the "good ol' days"!

  7. I love the way you take advantage of so many Phoenix activities, events, and places. Makes me ore determined to visit.

  8. This sort of demonstration I always find fascinating. They certainly do look old fashioned!

  9. Hope you had a sample of the rolls! This looks like it was great fun, Sharon.

  10. The first image is stunning, could be made 100 years ago.

  11. I used to go to a desert cookout where the chef made biscuits and delicious fried chicken in dutch ovens. Delicious.

  12. That's another thing I would have loved!

  13. You find so many interesting things

  14. I'd love to have been there! (Just finishing up reading "True Grit" and it's got quite a lot of descriptions of preparing food outdoors, so this was great to see:)

  15. Dave, who keeps talking about buying better kitchen appliances, would not be at all happy having to cook in a chuck wagon. :)

  16. Must remember that little trick when winter comes along Sharon, handy spot for gloves :) l

  17. This is pretty cool! Love all the cans behind the clock.
