Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tiny bloom, huge cactus

As many times as I've been to the Desert Botanical Garden, I can't believe I never noticed the tiny little blooms on this cactus.  I'm actually surprised I saw them on this occasion.

The cactus itself is so large and the blooms are so tiny that you really have to get close to see them and getting close to cactus is not always a good idea.  Apparently the light was just right on Sunday because as I walked past this massive plant, I suddenly saw a flash of white.  I moved in a little closer and found the very dainty little lace-like blooms all over the arms of the Whortleberry Cactus.


  1. They closeup looks so clean and sharp.

  2. They are beautiful. The desert is more beautiful than I ever imagined

  3. This is the opposite of the many varieties of small cacti that produce giant flowers.

  4. Those tiny blooms are incredible, they look even more delicate against that massive cactus!

  5. The blooms look lovely, and yes, that cactus is enormous!

  6. Such a delicate looking flower for a big plant.

  7. You have a brilliant macro lens on your camera Sharon! What a lovely surprise to find this mass of tiny flowers.

  8. Well, they would be easy to miss unless you got up close and I'm sure glad you got up close because they truly are beautiful!

  9. Totally charming and very clear. What a lovely surprise. Sharon, can you contact me via email because I have a personal message for you?

  10. Those tiny blooms on that big cactus are marvellous, beautiful close up, Sharon!

  11. Great shooting, Sharon. And Mo said it right, the desert is much more beautiful than any of us, especially transplants like me, ever thought.

  12. Love that cactus and it's blooms.

  13. So much is so often in the details. Most of the time we don't know how to look at things.
    Such a nice pic.

  14. Your first image is spectacular, Sharon. Bravo!

  15. So much going on, incredible!

  16. That first photo is stunning, Sharon!
