Monday, February 24, 2014

Early Morning Walk

I did an early morning (member's only) walk at the garden Sunday morning and boy was it peaceful.  I do enjoy going when there aren't crowds of people and let me tell you, there have been huge crowds of people ever since the Chihuly exhibit went up.  I arrived just as the sun was coming up so I got to photograph in completely different light than I usually see in the late afternoon.  And, to top it all off, the birds were singing like crazy!  It was a perfect morning for a walk.


  1. You missed Glenda and Diane, as they were at DBG yesterday afternoon. Glenda got some roadrunner photos on her iPhone, although nothing like the amazing photo that you posted a few days ago.

  2. The exhibits had a real blaze of colour to the early morning light!

  3. The morning is always the best part of the day.

  4. The atmosphere must've been perfect - I can just imagine those birds. Gentle morning light is so peaceful.

  5. A perfect time for self-reflection as well as visual delight.

  6. Morning is the best time and the fewer people the better. Birds sing more in the morning than other times of the day.

  7. I couldn't agree more Sharon, early morning before everything gets hectic is the best time for most things. These sculptures are probably my favourites so far,they look like flames blazing and flickering against the sunrise.. really super shot.

  8. That's quite an incredible shot. It's like the rising sun set a pair of bushes on fire! Very impressive!

  9. This my favorite time of day! Lovely photo. Dave mentioned the roadrunner I saw yesterday at the garden. It was a pleasant surprise to see one so close. I got a quick shot with my I phone.

  10. In the early morning the world is a different world... wonderful scene, Sharon!

  11. It's amazing how the glass glows while everything else is greyish!

  12. Such a wonderful time of day for so many reasons. Our sense of reasoning is much better.

  13. The sculptures are beautiful in this light.

  14. Those red torchieres (?) really glow. They seem to stand out against the dark early morning sights even more than they might at mid-day.

  15. It's great that you can use this garden so regularly. Do you have a membership so you don't have to pay admission every time?

  16. They certainly look like flames in the sky welcoming the morning sunrise.
