Saturday, February 22, 2014

Nesting Roadrunner

On Thursday when I was at the botanical garden, I saw this roadrunner nesting in the arms of a rather prickly cactus near the central garden area.  I wasn't the only one who spotted it.  There were quite literally 30 or 40 other people gathered around to watch.  Last year when the roadrunner was nesting a little further away from this spot, it was before this latest Chihuly exhibit so there weren't heavy crowds roaming the garden and that roadrunner had a little more privacy.  Well, except for all those high powered lenses pointed it's way but, those photographers were very quiet and professional.  The crowd I saw yesterday was quite noisy and they were flashing away with a variety of cameras and cell phones and even one iPad.  I'm glad this bird is pretty well hidden and even when it is seen,  certainly no one would reach through the thorns guarding it's home.


  1. Made itself a real little fortress there, great shot and very well spotted!

  2. It looks a precarious place for the young when they hatch out. Great photo.

  3. Superb photograph, Sharon! I don't know how the RR even got in there. Loved your commentary, too. People can be so un-avian like!

  4. It should be pretty safe in all those thorns. Maybe you will be able to get some pictures of the chicks when they hatch.

  5. I wonder how it got in there and how it gets out. Seems dangerous.

  6. Poor little thing. I hope it isn't too disturbed by all the people!

  7. Boy, that's close up... an impressive looking bird!

    No signs of any coyotes looking for her?

  8. Pretty safe for this roadrunner, he is certainly luckier than others to be able to nest at the DBG.

  9. You captured some amazing details in this shot.

  10. Awww, poor bird! It's hard to be stalked by the paparazzi. At least it has some solid protection!

  11. Beautiful portrait of this well protected bird.

  12. Super photo! I've been coming to NM since the '80's and have never encountered a Roadrunner. Have I been asleep?!

  13. She should be pretty safe in there Pat.. people are funny when they see something a little aren't they :)

  14. and just add Sharon in there Sharon :) I really need to get to bed :)
