Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fragrant flowers

I bought a bouquet of flowers last weekend and it had seven of these stargazer lilies in it.  They all have opened up beautifully and the smell is wonderful.  I can smell them the minute I step in the door and since they are sitting on the table where I'm working on the computer, the fragrance has enveloped me.  It sure turned out to be a great treat!


  1. You've given me a good idea for beating the winter blues, Sharon!

  2. The photo is a great treat for us!

  3. A bunch of beautiful flowers is such a sure fire way to cheer a person up :) I don't buy them so much in summer, they don't last five minutes in this heat.. I can almost smell your lillies here Sharon.

  4. Very very nice.
    Good for the soul.

  5. Lovely flowers. It's nice to have that smell, too, 'cause there are lots of stinkers to deal with "out there"! :)

  6. I love fresh flowers in the house! Lucky for me I have a great place to buy them across the street!

  7. I believe I've said it before. But I'll say it again. You have a special talent with flower pics.

  8. Those make me sneeze like a rapid fire machine gun.

  9. I always think of special occasions when I see these - lilies are one of my mom's favorite flowers:) These ones smell so, so enchanting.

  10. Oh, this is beautiful, Sharon, I can smell the fragrance!

  11. Lovely, Sharon. I like having fresh flowers in the house, too. When I buy lilies, I take the anthers off so they don't fall on the table or floor and stain them. (I had to look up the word "anther.")
