Monday, January 20, 2014

Celebration of Fine Art 2014

On Saturday afternoon I went to the Celebration of Fine Art in Scottsdale, that art show that takes place every year in big white tents.  The show runs for three months with the artists in residence and creating while they show their work.  This year I was again touched by a huge sculpture.  This one is called "Marriage" by William Barnhart.  It's very tall and very striking.

Here's a photo from a distance that will give you a better perspective of it's size.

The show was again a joy to attend.  I talked to several artists who I see there regularly and a few of the new ones too.  So much beauty in one place.  I love it.

Do you remember this sculpture that I photographed back in 2010?  I sure hope it has a good home somewhere.  I'm hoping for the same for this one.


  1. Magnificent, makes you almost catch your breath in case it topples over. Clearly 'marriage' is a fine balancing act!

  2. Different, holding up a shed, I thoought it was a shed on stilts at first. Nice work but I'm not sure I'd want it

  3. The desert sure makes a great backdrop for the local art

  4. A little bit intriguing as a statue. I like this sculptor very much, there is a woman on a horse downtown Chandler by him I suppose, there was no name around the sculpture though. His studio in Mesa is awesome.

  5. The tented art show is apparently very popular, but there has been resentment from the owners of the art galleries downtown.

    They point out that they pay property taxes all year, maintain the identity of Scottsdale as an art destination, have higher fixed costs, and the giant tented art sale comes in only for the high tourist season and takes away business.

  6. It is certainly an unusual and very interesting sculpture...not sure why the title but I like llandudno's take on it. You can tell they are male and female!

    I can imagine how much you loved that art show.

    Dave's comment is also interesting. Hadn't thought of those complications.

  7. It made me think about our Sculpture by the Sea Sharon.. I like the concept of this one very much..

  8. Super striking, and the more one looks, the more intriguing the sculpture seems! I'd love to take a day off and just wander around here.

  9. I often wonder who buys these large sculptures and what organizations might be interested?

  10. What a great show! I really like this piece, Sharon!
