Sunday, January 19, 2014

ASU School of Art

Friday night I attended an open house celebration for the brand new Grant Street Studios, a new addition to the downtown Arizona State University campus.  It's located just south of downtown in an area that I call the warehouse district in a wonderful old warehouse building.  This will be the new graduate studio space where students who are pursuing their Master of Fine Arts degrees will be refining their talents and stretching their creativity and expressionism.

I was invited to attend by fellow "Art Challenge" group member Peter Bugg who happens to be a Faculty Associate and Gallery Director at ASU.  He's pictured here with his wife Melissa McGurgan who is Director of Outreach at ASU and a very talented graphic designer.

When our "Art Challenge" group meets (during the summer months), I always look forward to Peter's interruption of the current challenge.  He is a very talented and exceptionally creative artist.

You all know that I don't often approach strangers for a photograph but, I felt compelled to meet Mia at the open house.  She's beautiful and stylish and the perfect model when surrounded by art work.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's a quick visit to the city by the bay.


  1. Fantastic new 'space' Sharon... Mia looks quite at home here amongst the works of art :) well done on the portrait shot, I'm the same, I really have to steel myself to ask :)

  2. Looks like it was a great night, wonderful new addition to the campus!

  3. We were planning to go, and I regret that we were unable to join you for this event, due to Julie no feeling well. We will look forward to seeing the new gallery soon on another occasion.

  4. What a terrific facility and delightful event. Lucky you to have such fine artistic friends to join for these activities. You have a very artistic talent and recognize a perfect photo op with Mia. Do that more often and you'll overcome your hesitation in asking for photos!

  5. Looks like it was a wonderful time... nice bow tie too.

  6. Looks like you had a good time. It's interesting to see the eclectic styles of dress for the occasion.

  7. It is fascinating for me to see how my alma mater has grown and spread out and continues to meet new challenges.

    This looks like a wonderful event for art lovers.

    The two portraits are excellent!

  8. Great event and that is a cute photo of Peter and Melissa.

  9. Looks like a great art space. I wish I had the nerve to walk up to strangers but I just can't do it.

  10. Outstanding portraits!

    It looks like a good setting for students to work in.

  11. Love the way the art is set off. And fantastic portrait to boot, would love seeing more of your portraits from time to time.

  12. Great! See how easy that was, Sharon? I am hoping to see more portraits of the people in your world now that the ice has been broken.

  13. What a nice couple and you surely can't miss Mia.
