Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bull in the Bushes

When I was in Scottsdale last weekend I happened to notice this bull standing in the bushes ready to leap out.  Since it's located just around the corner from my favorite Scottsdale Mexican Restaurant, I'm not quite sure how I missed it before but there it was.  It turns out that it is part of the decor for a Tapas restaurant near by.  I might have to try that place sometime soon.  That is if I can get past that Mexican Restaurant.  It won't be easy!

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  This time I'm engaging in a whim that leads to exploration.


  1. Yep just the thing you want to bump into on a dark night. Looks impressive though

  2. It's a a wonderful photo. . .all the details are so clear!

  3. A mighty looking beast indeed!

  4. That's a beautiful sculpture. Very lifelike.

  5. I'll always give in to the strong gravitational pull of a yummy Mexican restaurant:) But tapas sounds very enticing! Oh, great image:)

  6. The bull was running today, Sharon. The Dow Jones index jumped nearly 300 points.

  7. Wow! You wouldn't want to come across THAT suddenly after you'd had a few drinks!!!

  8. Hmmm. And your favorite Mexican restaurant in Scottsdale is?
