Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Enjoying the rain

On Sunday morning when I was watching it rain out my window I suddenly had the urge to take a walk at my favorite walking place the Desert Botanical Garden.  I took my umbrella and headed out.  I really enjoyed that walk, the temperature was comfortable and the rain was a steady but, mostly a light sprinkle.  I even managed to take a few photos like this one of one of the garden fountains.  I must admit, keeping the camera dry while taking photos and balancing an umbrella at the same time is a bit of a challenge.

Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes.  I celebrated on Saturday with a wonderful dinner out with great friends.  I thought I'd share a shot of my birthday dessert.

It was a great evening of food, wine, and laughter.


  1. I love taking photos in the rain. Generally lovely light and stunning reflections. But like you holding an umbrella at the same time is a challenge. Encourage a friend to come with you.

  2. Two shots of two pleasant experiences! If I ever visit Phoenix again my first stop will be the Botanical Gardens because of your many excellent posts from there.

  3. Walking in the rain (if its not too hard) is one of life's pleasures..especially during hot weather..enjoy it Sharon..designer desert, yum !

  4. Julie has a little plastic rain bag for her camera with holes in the sides to operate the controls and an opening for the lens.

  5. I've seen several people with 'raincoats' for their cameras. I think it might be a good idea.

  6. Photos taken during a rain can be very effective. You did good with your balancing act. I've been out-of-pocket to missed your birthday but here's a belated Happy Birthday to you!

  7. Your dessert looks fantastic, very arty and tasty! Glad you enjoyed the rain... and your birthday. Many Happy Returns!

  8. I like the display of this fountain with the wet stones.

  9. Belated Happy Birthday. I love the fountain.

  10. A much belated Happy Birthday!

    As for taking photos in the rain, yes, I HATE having to balance a camera and an umbrella. But you do what you have to do, you know?

  11. Belated congratulations, Sharon. Glad you had a wonderful time.
