Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Unusual Breeds

My sister Judy and I met a couple of friendly dogs while on our shopping trip in Prescott last weekend. The dogs are a breed called Lagotto Romagnolo, Italian dogs used as water retrievers and more importantly, truffle sniffing dogs.

They had very exotic names that I promptly forgot.  Sorry guys!

Their coats are very dense and curly to the touch and their owner said they do not shed.  When I looked up the breed, I learned that their coats are waterproof.

These two came all the way from Budapest.

Aren't they cute?


  1. Beautiful, fluffy looking dogs, who clearly love having their pictures taken!

  2. The bottom pooch looks like "a bad hair day." Seems there now is a plethora of canine breeds. I swear that there were only about 10 when I was a youngster.

  3. They're very cute. I thought they might be Labradoodles. The next dog we get, if ever, will be a non-shedding dog! :)

    I wonder if a truffle-sniffing dog is necessary in Phoenix. :)

  4. I can't believe you remembered the name of this breed of dog! They may be water dogs but I know they don't like umbrellas.

  5. Very cute little 'italian' dogs Sharon, I think the not shedding hair thing is a nice added bonus.

  6. Adorable. Reminds me of a sheep. Ha Ha

  7. They are both sweet! Never heard of that breed, Sharon.

  8. Revealing that I'm an Aussie who's been to Phoenix (and Tucson) may endear myself to you (if it counts for anything).

    I really am humorous, I could show you the bruises.

  9. They are adorable. The people who live next door have a labradoodle (cross between labrador and poodle) that looks an awful lot like these two.

  10. What cute faces! Makes one smile.

  11. They both have such sweet baby faces...lovely pups. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  12. Were they black, they would resemble Obama's dog(s). Just saw on the news tonight they got a companion for Bo.

  13. They are... looking a little bit like the bichons.

  14. They are cute!:)

    My husband would have called each of them "a mop on a stick...."
