Sunday, August 18, 2013

A wish for rain

It looks like a nice healthy rain but alas, it's just the base of the fountain I pictured yesterday.  However, I did experience some rain yesterday, heavy rain.  I drove to Prescott to go shopping with my sister Judy and it rained on and off most of the day but, when I drove home I ran into a torrential downpour.  It was raining so hard I couldn't see the lines in the road and had to slow down to about 30 mph to make sure  I stayed in my lane and on the road.  Everyone else slowed down too so it wasn't just this "drive-in-the-rain" novice who was having trouble seeing.  Thank goodness that one storm only lasted about 20 minutes.  Oh, I almost forgot, not a drop here in Phoenix!


  1. This is cool attractive shot.

  2. The "monsoons" in the Southwest are astonishing in their force. When in NM last July, I had to pull over to the side of the road during one because of lack of visibility and the dangerous run-off of the water. Never ceases to amaze me.

  3. Love this one. I could stare and stare...

  4. Looks like a typical summers day in Llandudno!

  5. Looks like the rain when we were having lunch!

  6. I am praying fir your Phoenix to finally have a cooling rain shower...Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. Beautiful image Sharon.. How frustrating to have all that rain so close yet not where you need it most, I know what that feels like.

  8. I can see why you would find this lovely water shot refreshing. We had torrential rains here again last night. It's generally raining every evening which is great for some plants I just put in the ground, but everything is saturated and when that happens we tend to get sinkholes opening up!

  9. Beautiful close up, Sharon, so refreshing!

  10. Would love to see the rain come down in Scottsdale as forceful as this fountain photo.

  11. We had a gentle mist here last night. Enough to wet the street and create that lovely smell of ozone in the air. But still. Come on, monsoon, what's holding you back?

  12. I was hoping for rain, but it just hit the outskirts of Phoenix and never made it to my house. My friend said it was hot rain.

  13. I can feel the coolness coming off this pic!

  14. Your great shot is the next best thing to rain!! We're not so good at driving in blinding rain either - probably because we get so little down here that it's a real novelty!!!

  15. A beautiful detail, Sharon, and one that gave you the opportunity for a good discussion about rain. Very clever.

  16. Fantastic close-up! Great shot, Sharon.
