Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sunshine in the form of a flower

Since there is very little blooming in Phoenix right now, I bought a bouquet at the grocery store to add a little color to the house.  For some reason, I simply can't just let it sit there without snapping a few photos first.

Ahhhh.....I feel so much better now.

Finally....rain last night.  I got home around 10:30 and right after I arrived it started to rain.  Nothing torrential but, every little bit helps.


  1. Flowers are always such a treat.

  2. This brought a big smile to my face - how could it not? Thank goodness for your compulsion to photograph these flowers! Glad you got a little rain. I wish I could send you some of ours!

  3. We also got home about 10:30 last night, and we were treated to quite a lightning display in the skies on the way back to the house.

  4. Cut flowers have such a short life, it's good to get a photograph of them. A photo lasts a good long time.

  5. Haha! I'm the same Sharon, especially if they're roses :) I think these flowers would have done an excellent job of cheering up the house!

  6. Beautiful, I need sunglasses to look at the top one... fantastic!

  7. These shots are lovely, Sharon!

  8. I never think to photograph store-bought flowers.

    Rain? After a six day heat wave, I was hoping for some rain tonight, but no such luck.

  9. Rain! I hate you! Well, no I just resent you but I'm still hopin' for tonight.

  10. You obviously should print and frame that first photo. It's beautiful!
