Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Weekend Adventures, part 4

On Sunday I decided to stay in town but, I did get up early to take a walk in the botanical garden at 7:00 am before the crowds arrive.  I was lucky to find this hot pink bloom on a night blooming cactus.  One of the benefits of getting there early because by 9:00 am it will be closed and withered.

Another benefit of the early walking is that you might catch momma quail taking the kids out for a little stroll.  Poppa was sitting on a rock overlooking this scene and keeping a watchful eye out for danger.  These two babies were so tiny I almost missed them there.


  1. Wonderful! Great finds, great captures, Sharon.

  2. That is a beautiful blossom!

    And I love those baby birds. Too cute.

  3. Momma and her sweet babies are just too sweet. I love this hot pink cactus flower! See you later! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  4. I wish I could drag myself out of bed so early on a weekend to get out for shots but the flesh is weak!
    Wonderful little family portrait of the quails!

  5. It's amazing what wonders you can find by getting up early! :) I remember Ken Rockwell (famous photographer) writing something to the extent that "real" photographers are up before the sunrise - sleep during day - and get back out before sunset!

    Love those wee quail.

    And yes, this is the famous park and those are the glass bottom boats. Things are changing though as the state has taken over the park and is closing the zoo and a couple of other attractions. But it will be cheaper to get in: $8 as opposed to $44. :)

  6. Stunning color on that bloom. The babies are so precious and momma is being very protective.

  7. Wonderful, Sharon!
    Your "Weekend Adventures" is a great series!

  8. Never seen a set of baby quails. What do they call them?

  9. How impressive that you got so close to the quails

  10. Hi Sharon. Yes, those childhood memories can be pretty wonderful. Our first trip to Silver Springs was with friends in 1988. After we moved to Ocala, however, for several years we bought season passes and went there often. It's deteriorated somewhat, but is still beautiful.

    Here's a link to a YouTube video of a glass-bottom boat ride:

  11. You have two excellent pay-offs for your early venture to the park. So, this is only Sunday morning . . . what more do you have to show us for the rest of this jampacked weekend?

  12. Spectacular colours, and great spot fot the strolling quails!

  13. The quail are so well camouflaged happy you were early enough to take this fabulous shot. I love the exotic cactus blooms, this colour is so beautifully vibrant.

  14. Beautiful pink flower but oh, how I love the little chicks and there mom. This is a good Mother's day picture!

  15. Those babies are beautiful and so fragile.
