Monday, May 6, 2013

Cinco de Mayo

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday celebrating Mexico's victory over the French forces of Napoleon III.  I understand that in Mexico, the day is celebrated with parades in some places and political speeches in other places.  Here in the southwest, it's generally celebrated at Mexican Restaurants promoting food and drink.  It is a good day to partake of some delicious enchiladas.


  1. What a wonderfully colourful, rich and tasty looking image... ditto the food too, bon appetit!

  2. Cinco de Mayo has evolved into something similar to St. Patrick's Day, with different food and drink, of course.

  3. Go for cheese Enchiladas, my favorite. Impossible to find any good enchiladas over here, the same for tacos... :-)

  4. Mmmm I wish there were more Mexican food restaurants out here in Eastern Canada! Another thing that I miss from home :)

  5. Happy Cinco de Mayo to you...I an hardly wait to taste all the glorious foods from your area. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  6. That doth look mighty appetizing and I'm much rather eat such vittles than watch a parade or listen to political speeches!

    Re your comment on Ocala: I remember when you switched to a Mac and how happy you were. We switched about a year ago and could never go back although I still use a PC occasionally for programs for which I cannot get a Mac version.

  7. We had something similar yesterday.

  8. Seriously Sharon, I'm just off to bed, I know what I'm going to dream about..yum !

  9. Looks fabulous but would probably go straight to the arteries!

  10. Delish! Love the black beans and rice.

  11. Today I learned what is "Cinco de Mayo"!

  12. Ooooohhhh. That looks GOOD! Next year I want to go along.
