Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Behind these gates....

....is a modest little house surrounded by a stunning garden.  It's unusual because of it's location.  This home is situated in the heart of downtown Scottsdale and is surrounded by businesses, galleries, and restaurants.  As far as I could tell, there wasn't a single other residence on this street.

The front is surrounded by the stucco wall and these wonderful old trees.

I was very tempted to walk through the gates and look around but luckily, the owner was out in front watering plants.  I spoke to him and confirmed that it was indeed a home.

Here is another view through the gates and you can just barely see the striped awning over the home's porch.

I kind of wish he would have invited me in but, since it's located directly across the street from a busy restaurant, I'm betting that he might be kind of wary of people peeking into his gorgeous yard.


  1. I bet the owner receives a couple investors' visits too... Just hoping it will stay the way it is.

  2. A beautiful looking place, and slap bang in the middle of everything too!

  3. A great series of photos and yes, the garden is stunning! Makes me wonder about the interior of the house...probably just as creative.

  4. They have a beautiful little oasis right there in the middle of the city.

  5. I don't think I have noticed this, and I thought I was familiar with downtown Scottsdale.

  6. I would have loved to seen the whole kit and kaboodle too! It looks like a piece of heaven. Thank you for sharing. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. This is an amazing place! I wonder if it was there when I lived in Scottsdale. So beautiful...and your photos are outstanding!

  8. It does look like an oasis of quiet in the middle of the bustle.

  9. Wow, what a beautiful garden, I can see why you wanted to explore more.

  10. It is a lovely place, Sharon. Isn't it too bad that we have such sharp lines in America? Commercial areas for stores and offices. Residential areas for homes. When I was in Columbus, I lived in a historic neighborhood that had a European feeling, with restaurants, bars, gift stores, galleries, hairdressers, etc., mixed in among the homes. I had a great restaurant kitty corner across the street. It was great.

  11. Dear Sharon...I will firm up our date at the Botanical garden after Arbor Day. I am so pleased to meet you and have lunch ... you have given me so many inspirations. I am not presenting at the conference but I will spend the week "filling my artistic well". Peace, Be with you Sharon! Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  12. How nice to live right in the hub of things and yet be so private Sharon,,oh my that garden makes me want to head out into my garden and plant something pretty right now :)

  13. A surviving 'island' I guess. Lovely!

  14. What a terrific little gem in the middle of downtown! The gate is very inviting.
