Wednesday, February 27, 2013


My readers who listen to NPR radio on a regular basis will recognize the StoryCorps name; the mobile recording unit used to record people telling a story of their own life.  For those of you that don't know about this project, two people record a short (3 to 5 minute) conversation about something important in their lives. All of the stories will be preserved at the Library of Congress.  You can read more about this project here.   You can even listen to a story or two at that link.  All of the appointments available for the Phoenix visit are now full so I'm not going to do this myself but, there was a couple preparing to go in when I was there to take this photo.


  1. One of the things I miss most about living in this area is having access to NPR. Whenever I go on a road trip I'm scanning the FM dial looking for for a station!

  2. We're all storytellers. The good, bad and ugly.

  3. Will be interesting for people a hundred years from now to listen to these stories of today and try to imagine what it was like living in our times. Interesting Sharon.

  4. i frequently find tears rolling down my cheeks at the end of a story corps dialogue. so sorry you couldn't get in. i have a friend who went in with her father (who is now deceased). it was a wonderful experience for them both.

  5. This is a good project. Everyone has a story to tell.

  6. Interesting project, love the recording trailer!

  7. Fascinating project; I think I'll have to mull this over and try to decide which may apply to me.

  8. I've not heard of this but it reminds me a bit of some WPA projects done during the Depression where photographers and painters etc captured people and places for the archives.

  9. I listened to Story Corps often when my local NPR carried it, but the current one does not, or at least I have not found it. The stories can be quite poignant.

  10. What a wonderful idea! I was not familiar with this NPR segment. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  11. I wondered where they went to after they left here.

  12. Such a great project, I used to listen to it every morning. A lot of them even brought tears to my eyes...
