Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ceramic Arts

Last Sunday I went in search of a Ceramics Artist's Studio Tour and began my search in Tempe at the ASU Art Museum where I found this incredible piece called "Big Bang" by Paula Price.

To be honest, I was mesmerized by quite a lot of the pieces I saw at that museum.  Above I have a little collage of the pieces I liked the best.  Sorry, but the first two I have no name for but the man with the frog on his head along with the screaming man attracted me.  The next piece is called "Arms Deal" by Ed Blackburn, next is broader view of "Big Bang" by Paula Rice.  In the next row we have "Greece, Dali, Magritte" by Noi Volkov (it was the depiction of Dali that drew me in), next we have "Likaflex" by Fred Bauer for all my photographer friends.  Below the "LikaFlex" is "French Kiss" by Joe Bova and next to that is one of my all time favorites, "Mortor" by Gregory Roberts.  The thing that amazed me about this piece is that anyone looking at it would have sworn it was wood.  No, it's ceramic.
I apologize about the last piece, I don't know the artist's name or the name of the piece.  I snapped it just before leaving when I caught sight of the back of the piece.  I have to say that I'm glad I searched out this event and found this amazing display of artistic work.


  1. Mesmerized is the right choice of word, incredible looking pieces!

  2. Some of the pieces are just a weeny bit spooky

  3. This would have been entirely fascinating Sharon, so many weird and wonderful objet d'art!!

  4. This is pretty neat! I'm glad you went and shared with us.
    Some of those would be a tad disturbing to look at on a daily basis.

  5. Wow, thank you for taking the time to do this post and make the collage. I find these all to be delightful. I've not done ceramics but my mother did and was quite good...but these are true works of art. And lots of humor involved. The Leica is too much and with my mind you know what I think that lens looks like!

    Fantastic and most interesting post!

  6. I an totally in awe to these diverse artists and their visions. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful exhibit. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. A really nice assortment of work!

  8. Interesting work. I wanted to be in Phoenix this weekend for the Art Detour. It should be great being the 25th anniversary and all.
