Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Standing on the corner

It's the time of year when tax accountants hire people to stand on street corners dressed like "Uncle Sam" or "The Statue of Liberty" in order to attract business.  This fellow has his iPod going and he was practicing his dance moves.  Does this type of advertising happen in your town?


  1. I've seen this kind of advertising before but not for a tax accountant. He could also get a job standing outside of a East Side Mario's restaurant.

  2. I hope he gets paid well for his performance!

  3. No I've never seen it here Sharon, we just get tax agents setting up their temporary spots in shopping centres, a bit like 'pop up shops'..

  4. yes, and the "character" is out in all weather. it breaks my heart to see him/her in sleet and blizzard, blustery wind and pouring rain. i'd hire this person if i needed an employee. what an astonishing work ethic.

  5. This might attract attention, but I wonder if it would instill confidence of accuracy in tax preparation.

  6. Oh, yes. Well, of course, not in our nearest town - population 898 - but in town where I go to buy groceries and do other stuff they are out and about. I wonder how many people who just happen to be driving by have all their documentation in their vehicle and decide on the spot, oh, I think I'll stop by and get my taxes prepared!

  7. Yes, we have one just like this. might as well have some fun while your working.

  8. This time of the year... same here...
    This guy seems to have fun more that the customers I presume :-)

  9. No, Sharon, not here.
    We have several masked people, but they are beggars.
    Nice shot!

  10. Nothing like that happens for tax season here!

  11. Oh yes, we've got the same company and the same people in the same dumb outfits and they usually are involved in some crazy antics to try to get the attention of folks driving by. They drive me nuts and I think are a serious distraction for drivers.

  12. I've seen these "statues" in towns all across the US!! Wouldn't catch me dressed like this on a public street. But then again, if I needed some walking'-around-money...

  13. Ya! Looks stupid here. Looks stupid there. hahahaha

  14. It does and in the same outfit. Is he on 7th Ave and McDowell?

  15. I thought it was supposed to be LADY Liberty. ;)

    No advertising like this in Manila. I'm not sure whether I should be sad or relieved.

  16. Definitely not happening here. Haven't even heard of this before.

  17. We have one of these Liberty block over. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
