Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Elegant Dinner Party

My close friend David hosted another elegant dinner party last Saturday night.  It was a beautifully executed event complete with wine pairing for every course.  The eight people who enjoyed the food kept themselves engaged in lively conversation as the six courses were rolled out of the kitchen.

Last year when I talked about the dinner party many of you asked that I post a picture of David, the talented host and cook so here it is in the photo above.  David is standing next to his perfectly set table.  Many of you also asked what was on the menu so here it is:

  • First Course: Vodka spiked grape tomatoes with mozzarella balls paired with Champagne
  • Second Course:  Escargot paired with a French Chablis
  • Remise en bouche:  Lemon Sorbet
  • Third Course:  Lobster Bisque paired with a Rose from Provence
  • Fourth Course:  Roast Tenderloin of Beef with Bordelaise sauce, Blue Cheese & Rosemary mashed potatoes & Stout glazed Brussels Sprouts paired with Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Fifth Course:  Endive, pear & cranberry salad with white wine vinaigrette paired with Prosecco
  • Sixth Course:  Salted Caramel pot de creme paired with Champagne
  • Coffee, 20-year-old Port, & assorted chocolates
That's quite a feat of cooking for one guy to pull off don't you think?  I can safely say that everyone in attendance was impressed with the food as well as that well appointed table.


  1. Is your good friend David a chef or "merely" an interesting and talented gourmet?! What a treasure and what a handsome man!

  2. It was a real treat for Julie and me to join David's dinner.

    Your sense of modesty caused you to neglect to mention that you were heavily involved in preparing this meal with David. And you hosted his dogs at your place to keep them out of the way while all that food was being prepared.

  3. OMG! How does one get to know and befriend David?

    What a set-up and what a menu, and I read what the other David said about you so kudos to you, too, for helping put this wonderful event together.

    This is not merely a dinner party, this is truly a culinary experience!

  4. Sounds fabulous, David is indeed a great talent!

  5. Lovely table and everything sounds so Delicious! Hi David!

  6. Oh my goodness! Fabulous table, delicious and creative food, and a handsome chef!

  7. I have to agree with Dave of Costa Rica Daily Photo -- Sharon is far too modest (and a tremendous talent in the kitchen in her own right).

    Sharon arrived early and was invaluable with last minute preparations and plating the courses throughout the evening.

    AND she picked up a baguette for me when I couldn't activate the yeast for some reason. I'll be trying again this weekend, so stop by for some (hopefully) fresh bread and Champagne!

  8. Let me know if he needs another friend. I may just be available.

  9. Wow - I would be stuffed and need a taxi to carry me home! It all sounds so wonderful!

  10. Wow it is just as elegant as Downton Abby's elegant dinners. That lobster Bisque sounds so delicious. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  11. Wow it is just as elegant as Downton Abby's elegant dinners. That lobster Bisque sounds so delicious. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  12. Fantastic! We have linens, dishes, glasses and silverware to do this, but I can't remember pulling them all out at one time in . . . never. Congratulations to David and you.

  13. What an amazing dinner, the dessert sounds marvelous. David has a great smile too.

  14. Oh my, what a fantastic spread Sharon..you might have had to rescue me from under the table with all that wine, but the food sounds amazing..and as someone before me has already mentioned, such a skilled cook AND so yummy looking himself! Double bonus for sure..

  15. This looks (and sounds) wonderful! Jack's comment made me smile, I know exactly what he means! :-)
