Saturday, September 1, 2012

Theme Day: People Watching

There is a great little restaurant/bar located on the east side of Phoenix called The Vig and it's a perfect place for people watching.  It is always packed with people and has a great band that plays on weekends.

On a Sunday afternoon, I joined some friends for a little happy hour refreshment and I started to notice that there were quite a few British celebrities in the crowd.

First I spotted the lovely Minnie Driver (above) laughing with a group seated at a table.

Then I saw Fergie in a lovely straw hat chatting with a handsome young man.  And, isn't that Denholm Elliot peeking over her shoulder?

But, when Sean Connery walked in, everyone gave him a hearty welcome.

Actually, none of these people are really who I've described but, aren't the resemblances amazing?  I thought there might have been some "theme" going on but, it was just sheer chance that I'd spot all these 'doppelgangers' in one place at one time.


  1. HA HA HA!!! Quite interesting resemblances you got here.

  2. Brilliant post for today's theme Sharon, how funny..they really do look like their 'star' counterparts, especially Minnie Driver and Sean you say, what are the chances..!!

  3. Great hair on that first young lady.

  4. I have never been there. We'll have to go some day and listen to the music while doing some people watching.

  5. Sharon, you are very observant and highly creative today!! As you have probably noticed, I adore taking portraits and the top one of the woman is fantastic!

  6. I wasn't convinced until I got to "Sean Connery." But the pineapple shirt? Nah! Not my Sean Connery!

  7. You almost fooled me, Sharon! LOL! What a cool post. Well done.

  8. That must have been fun! You have made an art of people watching.

  9. excellent images and fun for theme day. Happy Weekend

  10. Such a unique post for theme day. Good job!

  11. Nice post for the day Sharon! I was thinking that Sean had put on a little weight and I was surprised that he would wear such a shirt.

  12. This is wonderful! I had no idea so many famous Brits were visiting Phoenix this time of'd think they'd be more likely to visit in the winter!

    Fantastic post, Sharon!

  13. The first "Theme Day" post with celebrities I've ever seen. Well done Sharon!

  14. Totally fabulous post for Theme Day!

  15. Could have been Sean. I hear he has a home in Prescott.

  16. Some nice people-watching there! Good theme post.
