Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Flaming door

This is the entrance to the building I featured yesterday.  I couldn't find a name on the door or building telling me what business was located here.  I googled the address of the building and only two names came up, SubZero Freezer Co. and Suncor Development.  Judging from the flame pattern on the door, it fits the Suncor name better but, that name may have come up because they were the developers of this industrial building.  None of the truck bays had any activity on this side of the building so I'm not sure that anyone has moved in yet to this half of the building.  There was a little truck activity on the other side of the building so I'm guessing the SubZero business must be located on that side.

The building is huge and could easily accommodate several manufacturing operations.  If there is only one manufacturer in this building, they have a huge operation.

The location is in Goodyear Arizona on the far west side of the metropolitan area.


  1. A very attractive entrance Sharon, I'm sticking with my 60/70's theory.

  2. Great composition, Sharon! Love it.

  3. Looks like a nice building. Better than many of the ones that crop up to house manufacturing businesses. I like that door detail. Nice shots.

  4. Nice design on the entrance. I like the door and Virginia's comment.

  5. A very elegant entrance, nice reflection too.

  6. A lovely photo even if we never find out what's on the other side of the door. Very mysterious. Perhaps it is a secret Mafia warehouse. Is there a mafia presence in Phoenix? Yes, Joe Bonano (or was that Tucson?)...

    Don't mind me, I'm just being silly!

  7. Isn't everything in Arizona big?

  8. Sharon, you seem to be very persistent. I expect to find the answer in a future post.

    This is a far more impressive building than a typical spec building. Someone has big plans for it.

  9. The flame pattern with the shadow is pretty "cool" if I may say which matches the sub zero business :-)

  10. It is the new SubZero building. They moved there from their previous location somewhere in Phoenix. My neighbor and his son both work there. Wish we could have met up when you were on this side of town.
