Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Theme Day: Numbers

Long before "Numbers" became a theme day challenge, I started collecting photos of the various ways address numbers were displayed on buildings.  I found it interesting how creatively people could make the numbers of their address look.  So, when I learned the theme for August, I was prepared with my folder full of numbers.  Here is a sampling of the numbers I've collected.

To see more representations of numbers, click here!


  1. Thanks for showing us some of your collected numbers - I have a category "numbers" in my file system, too.

  2. Wow. You were prepared. This would be impossible for me, as we do not have house numbers or street addresses in Costa Rica.

  3. What a fun item to collect. You're right, there are so many interesting ways to display numbers.

  4. Brilliant collage of numbers Sharon, were you in the Girl Guides or was it the Scouts who had the motto, 'always prepared' haha!

  5. Talk about being prepared! Very cool, Sharon! I know people who put a lot of stock in numbers. I put some numbers in a lot of stock and lost my shirt! ;-)

  6. Yours is brilliant. Not sure how you all knew about the numbers theme. I sure didn't. Is there an email round robin or something to know what theme day is?

  7. I have a file of numbers too but have never used them. Great collage!

  8. Nice display, Sharon. I like Traditional-But-Not-Boring, so 5050 is my favorite.

  9. A great way to pic numbers for the next lottery too...

  10. I like your choices for this theme day. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  11. Beautiful numbers composition, Sharon!

  12. What a very cool mosaic! Well done, Sharon.
