Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bio-Mythic Mask

The recent Arizona heat has made me a little short on photos so I decided to see what I had in the archives that hadn't been posted.  We had a little bit of a weather reprieve the last two days so I'm hoping I can get out and get some new shots this weekend. 
Back in December of 2010, there was a display of these fantastic Bio-Mythic Masks at the Desert Botanical Garden.  I posted one of them here.  I decided this one was post-worthy too!  The artist who created the masks is Gwynn Popovac and you can see more of her work by clicking here.  Her work is not limited to masks.


  1. "Humans mimicking nature"
    Yes it is a wonderful work though I would not be ready to wear such a mask...:-)

  2. What remarkable masks and talented artist. It would be fun to try one or more on...must be heavy.

  3. My last trip to Phoenix Botanical Gardens was during this exhibit in December 2010 just a few days before I moved back to Texas. I think this was my favorite one of all the masks. Isn't it called Falling Water or something along those lines?

  4. It's beautifully done and a little fearsome at the same time Sharon. Gwynn Popovac certainly is a prolific artist, her site is very interesting indeed.

  5. Fabulous mask... a bit scary too. Hate to see this at night in my travels.

  6. I remember this exhibit. Good choice to go back into your archives.

  7. Interesting mask, looks very good.
    Could also be an old mask...

  8. The mast is stunning, mesmerizing. But so is your photo! It is absolutely fantastic! It is superb photography!

  9. I love it and your pic is fabulous!

  10. It was made by a talented mask-maker. The mask almost looks human.

  11. And you have had 91 visits from Bulgaria.

  12. I remember this exhibit. You have chosen a beauty to post.

  13. A little too scary looking for me.

  14. I think this is one of the aliens from your sister's post!

  15. What a great mask! Glad you posted it.

  16. I went to this exhibit with Tracy and Kathy! We had such a good time.

  17. PS While traveling through Scottsdale on Friday to pick up one of my friends that headed up north with us, I saw Sky Song! It made me think of you. It is beautiful.
