Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hidden Homes

I love to discover places I've never seen before, especially when they happen to be not very far from home.  One Sunday afternoon when I was taking a little drive around I discovered these condominiums tucked back in an area I had never seen before.  With all that brick, they look more mid-western than southwestern but, I like them just the same.


  1. They do look very neat and tidy. Discovering new areas and places is so exciting. Especially when its on your doorstep.

    Valleys ShutterBug

  2. Good call on their Midwestern or Eastern appearance, especially with the trees. You did a good job on capturing them, even with the SUV in the driveway!

  3. My initial reaction upon seeing your photo was the same as your comment. These look like they belong in the East or Midwest, not the Southwest. I don't think I have seen anything like this in my 30 years of living in the Phoenix area.

  4. Strange how the new can be old and so close. Funny. We think we know it all.

  5. I like them too Sharon, they look very private. Amazing the things you discover as you get around.

  6. Looks like a nice quiet place to live. You would never guess this was in the middle of Phoenix.

  7. A different look which makes us think about the styles we live in altogether.

  8. I like them too and it looks like a nicely treed area!

  9. I like them too, Sharon, must be a nice place indeed.

  10. i'm impressed with how wide the pavements are. We have streets narower than that.

  11. Ver appealing place to live. Like the shutters.

  12. It is an interesting group of homes.

  13. I can't even begin to describe how nice it is to see a little variety in the area when it comes to architecture.

  14. This is a style I would definitely like.
