Saturday, May 5, 2012


I'm not a coffee drinker.  I have nothing against it, I just never acquired a taste for the stuff.  I do enjoy the smell of roasting coffee but, for some reason the taste just never appealed to me.  So, I wonder why the colors and the stark experior of this coffee shop appealed to me so much.  Obviously my eye appreciates the scene while my taste buds head off in a different direction entirely.
This is the coffee shop that serves the Farmer's Market on Saturdays and Wednesdays.


  1. The colors look nice together. I started drinking coffee when I was six years old, but that was mostly for the pastries that my grandmother baked. I soon gave it up and only started drinking it again as a grown-up.

  2. The colors of your photo are certainly appropriate for coffee.

    I also enjoy the smell but not the taste of coffee. My parents were huge coffee drinkers, but not the gourmet coffee that is popular today. My two sons are Starbucks customers. Maybe coffee is a generation-skipping trait.

  3. Like the sands of the desert have ventured into the architectural field! Gorgeous colourings and shadows!

  4. One doesn't have to like coffee to appreciate this scene and your photo! The saturated colors and sharp lines are very dramatic!

  5. I agree with Lowell. It's a wonderful photo with color, form, light and dark. Who needs coffee anyway...I guess i do, and I'd like this coffee cafe.

  6. Sometimes a simple statement is the best!

  7. Well, those are perfect coffee colors! I know so many people who love the smell of coffee but don't like to drink it. (Magpie, for one.) I admit to being a coffee addict.

  8. I like the colors too. I bet they are busy on those market days. I didn't start drinking coffee until I was 30. Now I hate to wake up without it. I guess we all have our vices.

  9. I love this pic! I'm not a coffee drinker either!

  10. I love coffee, vanilla lattes too. I purchase my beans from one of the best places I've found. Coffee is a simple pleasure like this building.

  11. I grew up with a Norwegian mother and there was always a pot of coffee on the stove. But I didn't acquire a taste for it until I got to college. Now I can't start the day without my mug of hazlenut coffee.

  12. I love the smell too and these colors are fabulous.

  13. Simplicity and elegance! The shadows are giving a very good description of the plant.

  14. Wonderful colour and shadows Sharon, do you enjoy a cup of tea??

  15. It's the colours that draw you in.

  16. Tracy's the smell, but haven't acquired a liking for the taste yet. I have had a Caramel Cream smoothie that has stated me headed in that direction though.

  17. Tracy's the smell, but haven't acquired a liking for the taste yet. I have had a Caramel Cream smoothie that has stated me headed in that direction though.

  18. I drink coffee every day, but I must have some type of cream and sweetner in it. It makes a huge difference from drinking it straight black. I also like to add other flavors, like chocolate, or hazelnut, etc. Have you tried it like that?
