Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Arizona Road Trip: Tumacacori

My trip would not be complete without a stop at one of my favorite National Historic sites.  This is the Tumacacori Mission.  It is one of the chain of missions founded by Father Kino that run from inside Mexico all the way to northern California.  Many of these missions are still actively operating as churches but, the condition of this one keeps it more of a historic site than an active church.  However, services are still performed here on special occasions.

The photo above was taken in an area behind the mission and is one of my all-time favorite photos.  In fact, I’ve sold several copies of this one and have one hanging in my home.


  1. Gorgeous photos! I can see by your pics that visiting southern AZ in monsoon season would be the best time to go.
    Such texture and contrast to the second photo, I can see why this one is special.

  2. Wouldn't it be fun to go on a road trip and photograph all the Spanish missions!

  3. I've never been but I love this old mission.

  4. I love the architecture, the setting and your composition, but the bottom shot made me say WOW!

  5. Your bottom shot combines a great sky, color, patina, and form.

    Welcome back from your trip. We look forward to hearing about it.

  6. I love these old missions. I do believe I've seen that bottom shot before!
    Now you have to get busy with the 2000+ pictures you took on this last trip. I wonder how long it will take to download that many pictures.

  7. Your road trip has been wonderful. And I see from Judy's comment you have new things to share. Looking forward to those. That bottom shot is definitely a keeper!

  8. Hi Sharon, this Arizona Road Trip is fantastic, wonderful fotos every day!!
    Why didn't you say earlier that you were in Bolzano? I would have liked to drink a glass of wine with you :-)

  9. It really is a special image Sharon, is that a line of trees along the top WAY UP there!

  10. The site gives this wonderful mission building some needed breathing room. Love it! And love your second photo.

    Welcome back. Wondering if you will pick up with Phoenix photos or share a few from abroad . . .
