Friday, May 18, 2012

Arizona Road Trip: Tombstone

One last shot from Tombstone before we head out of town.  It was not a good day to have laundry hanging out but, since these garments seem to be here permanently I guess a little rain every now and then won’t hurt.


  1. Strange place to hang laundry.

    Today's Arizona Republic has an editorial about Tombstone. It's water supply comes from a spring 26 miles away in a wilderness area in the Chiracahua Mountains. The town is in a dispute with the Forest Service about performing work inside the wilderness area.

  2. This laundry line certainly is different than the ones I see in European cities.

  3. Not a place where I would hang laundry but it makes a nice picture.

  4. How charming. No one around here would want to see my laundry hanging out.

    I hope you treat us to some shots from your trip.

  5. unique southwest decor....that's what I call it!

  6. Those red longhandles have been hanging there so long they're now pink! I love this shot. Perhaps it's in one of the girl's quarters above the saloon!

  7. I think they have been hanging there for a LONG time!

  8. That's a fabulous series! And I love your new template!

  9. Taking the green living approach.
