Sunday, April 1, 2012

Theme Day: Cobblestones

I wasn't able to find any cobblestone streets in Phoenix.  We are much to new of a city (and state) to have the real thing.  A little bit of an internet search helped me locate a subdivision named "Cobblestone" so I went there to find a photograph.  Not even a neighborhood named Cobblestone led me to a street of cobblestone.  So, the sign will have to do!
Click here to see "Cobblestone" posts from other City Daily Photo Bloggers.


  1. Very clever, Sharon.
    Have a nice sunday!

  2. Julie and I had the same problem. I don't think there are any cobblestone streets in Scottsdale for her, and I certainly don't know of any in our area of Costa Rica. We had to settle for pavers.

    You had a good solution, but I agree. A subdivision named cobblestone should have some cobblestone somewhere besides the sign.

  3. Sharon, this is such a cool and funny entry! :-) Well done.

  4. Hahaha! Good one. Not too many creative takes on this theme.

  5. Ha! Good one, Sharon! And I even see brick pavement on the street and the nice end pieces to the sign are close to being cobblestone. Well done.

  6. What a hoot! Now that's inventive of you, Sharon. Well done!

  7. I'm impressed by your determination!

  8. Now that's dedication!

  9. Let's call those stone pillars cobblestones and pack it in for the day . . .

    It was a tough theme for many of us.

  10. Cobblestones, I guess, are not envogue for Arizona aesthetics...That's okay, I'm partial to anything made out of adobe.

    At least you went the distance and sought it out!

  11. Not bad at all! lol
    Should ask Daily Photo to introduce "river rocks" in the coming months...

  12. Outside of New England I think cobblestones would have been difficult to find. You did a good job improvising.
