Monday, April 2, 2012

Fabulous Dinner Party

My good friend David had a fabulous dinner party Saturday night.  The food was fantastic, the wine exceptional, and the company wonderful.  He sets a great table, doesn't he?


  1. We need to have you and David over for dinner. We have been so busy since getting back from Asia that we are behind on socializing with our friends.

  2. my mouth waters just looking at the table.

  3. I just swoon over an elegantly set dinner table!

  4. Very pretty. So many questions, what was on the menu, did David's dog stay at your house all alone or did he get to go home?

  5. Gorgeous...takes me back to days when things were done in style.

  6. Would you like to introduce us to your good friend, David? :-)

    Yes, he sets a gorgeous table and it sounds as if everything else was just as superb!

  7. I count 7 dining utensils at each place setting. Yes, I'd like to know the menu, too!

  8. This looks like a wonderful setting for a dinner party.

  9. How fun. I love that light fixture.

  10. So how come I wasn't invited? He does set a handsome table.

  11. It is always such a pleasure to sit at a handsome table. An excellent start to an excellent time together.

  12. He certainly does Sharon, Love the centre of the table vase of flowers, the finishing touch!!

  13. I love checking Sharon's site, especially when I'm featured! :-)

    Thanks for the kind words on the table setting. The silver was my great grandmother's, the chandelier belonged to my grandmother, and the china was given to me by my mother. The dinner consisted of 7 courses:

    1. Garlic crostini with smashed edamame in olive oil, drizzled with balsamic vinegar.
    WINE: Champagne
    2. Shrimp marinated in citrus, vodka, and jalapeno.
    WINE: Riesling
    3. Tangerine sorbet
    4. Cream of asparagus soup
    WINE: Sauvignon Blanc
    5. Roast English filet accompanied by Brussels sprouts tossed in orange marmalade and horseradish mashed potatoes
    WINE: Cabernet Sauvignon
    6. Endive sprinkled with bleu cheese crumbles and pecans, drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette
    WINE: Whatever was left in your glass!
    7. Amaretto flavored Italian custard (semifreddo)
    WINE: I can't recall! I think we had a few bottles making the rounds by this point.

    Those of you who were paying close attention to the silver will notice I misplaced the soup spoon (the sorbet came prior, so the two spoons should have been in reverse order. Oops).

  14. He surely does, it's beautiful!

  15. With a table setting and that wonderful menu, who notices a misplaced spoon or two. When can we meet you, David?!
