Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why did the geese cross the road?

These fellows were just strolling across the road when I drove through Papago Park on Sunday.  I stopped my car and they stopped to look at me.   So, I took their picture.  After that they moved on so I'm thinking they recognized me and wanted to be featured on Phoenix Daily Photo!


  1. You are popular with the webbed foot community!

    They are SO white! and probably freshly bathed from all the rain.

  2. Love it Sharon! The fact that one is actually doing the 'goose step' made me laugh!!

  3. i bet you were the topic of conversation later when they were nibbling their cheese and quackers.

  4. They know the best place to get the best exposure! Love how the one in the foreground has its foot in midstep!

  5. Looks as though they wanted to have a conversation with you, too.

  6. Maybe they wanted to ride a bit with you...

  7. They wanted their 15 minutes of fame!

  8. My mother used to tell me "To get to the other side of the road."

    Since I was hacked I had to give up my old user name and the blogs that went with it. So this is the new birds blog and I hope you can come visit. Birds Birds Birds and Birds

  9. Smiles! I think you're right. All the best looking birds want to be seen here on your blog. Word gets around fast. :) I, too, like the high stepping goose.

  10. I agree! Look at the way No. 1 posed with his webbed foot up in the air! It certainly doesn't look like they saw you as a threat. Now, the real question is whether or not you're going to send them a copy of the post with their picture?

    If yes. Please call this number: 1-800-IAM-NUTS.


    Just kidding, you know!

  11. Naturally they wanted on the blog, they saw you and said, that is the lady with the camera smile. The orange is so vivid!

  12. Every goose who is anything in Phoenix wants to be on your blog. At least that is what the geese in Hartford tell me.

  13. They remind me of the two sister in the Aristocats movie.
