Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Las Palmas

Just one block away from the crumbling Desert Inn Motel that I featured last week, is this old 1950's style motel that is still in business.  I'm betting that camel-rider made the place look a bit exotic in the motel's brighter days.

These days, it is still operating but, at bargain rates.


  1. Very exotic. Do you have camels in Phoenix?

  2. It looks like it's been kept up pretty well. I don't know how with those rates.

  3. I bet in the heyday these were really happening places.

  4. Wow, that's cheap- I like the look of the place though- do they still have 50s fixtures and fittings?

    Chrissy from Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

  5. Wonder if those rates are by the hour...I'm sorry, did I say that aloud? :)
    I was down around 1st Street and Thomas yesterday with my mom at a doctor's appointment. I find myself looking around downtown differently since following your blog and looking for familiar places. Thanks for opening up a different part of the world for me.

  6. Not a bad price. I might have Brian and Jake do a search before I stayed there though.

  7. Be sure to bring hand sanitizer and your own pillow!!!

    It must have been "the Place", back in the day!!!

  8. Jarart...believe me that crossed my mind. For those of you who don't know, Jake is a bed bugs sniffing dog.

  9. Interesting look, very strange for your surroundings, or not?

  10. Book me a night there, im getting a flight now.... lol, nice photos.

  11. A cool sign and in the shadow of Camelback Mountain!

    I'd wonder about the clientele at this stage of the motel's life! :-)

  12. I was wondering why a camel, I thought desert but Lowell answered my question, Camelback Mountain.

  13. That is a fun bit of Americana. Is that rate for the whole night or by the hour?

  14. Great signs, great prices, great shots!!!

  15. The prices are a sign of the times. Same is happening here, tourism is a great source of income and the industry is having some bad days.

  16. Blimey Sharon, I bet there's no room service at that price haha!
