Monday, February 20, 2012


The new Superior Court building was dedicated last week with Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor presiding over the dedication ceremony.  I've shown you some of this building before when it was still under construction here and here.  It really is a beautiful building adding to the skyline of downtown Phoenix.

For those curious about the building location, click here.


  1. The new courthouse has many innovative design features. One example is that it was designed with special places for the victims of crime, so they can have privacy when they come to court.

  2. Wow. And I was right down there on my light rail ride just a couple of weeks ago and didn't see it. However, my daughter was walking with a broken foot so we tried to limited our foot traffic.

  3. Quite lovely with all those golden shapes.

  4. A stunning building and I love your composition!

  5. I would love to be able to walk around this building and to go looks like a terrific place. Sandra Day O'Connor is one of my heroes. I heard her during a case in the US Supreme Court in DC years ago (my husband's case on MN Indian law) and came away with even more admiration of her.

  6. Love the angle on this shot. Where is this building located? It's very impressive.

  7. It turned out looking very handsome. I hope you will show us more of this building in the future.

  8. I remember that stunning construction photo last year. An impressive appearance for the dedication.

  9. It does look pretty 'superior' Sharon, especially from the angle you've taken the shot! Excellent image.

  10. Very impressive, great shot!

  11. Like this angle...It's one building everyone hopes they don't have to step foot in.

  12. Like this angle...It's one building everyone hopes they don't have to step foot in.

  13. It seems like the only growth areas for construction are courthouses and prisons. This courthouse does look like it is well done. In Massachusetts and in Ohio, when I need more or less "official" presents for lawyer friends, I gave them books featuring photographs of the state's courthouses. Courthouses are often fine buildings.

  14. Maricopa County needs this shot for their marketing/web/brochure use! It is amazing -

  15. Maricopa... Where do I know this name from? All I found on google is connected to Arizona... Wonderful perspective of the building against the blue sky.
